[Cygwin-ports-general] Fwd: Cygwin ports with graphical windows menager problem
Marcin Ma
2014-10-10 06:53:20 UTC
Hi All,

I have a big problem to install and work on cygwin (with cygwin ports) some
"user friendly" windows manager. I've been trying to install many times:

Gnome (full install)
Kde (full install)
LXDE(full install)
XFCE4(full install)
LXQT(full install)

with all dependencies. And always fail.
For gnome I've cant find gnome-session, for KDE I've cant find KDEBASE ,
for rest managers they are not working, or not working well (freezing
plotting meany errors on terminal )
Only window Maker is working, but I want to use something different.
Can You recommend the window manager which looks and work similar to those
form my list and is easy to install with out manual compilation?
Or provide some manual tutorial how to install it ?
I've used tutorials for gnome and kde but I'm unable to locate packages

thanks for your time and support
